Weapons of War

To fight a war, you need weapons. To fight a war of information, you need knowledge. For the last several weeks, the folks at OpenVAERS.com have been arming you with easy-to-digest and easy-to-share knowledge about the potential damage being done by the mass injection of an experimental shot.

Every Friday, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) updates their publicly searchable database. There is a one-week delay with the release of new data. While anyone can access this public database and run queries, it can be overwhelming to navigate the site and make sense of the data. Enter OpenVAERS…an anonymous group of advocates for medical freedom. Every Friday afternoon, they update their website with numbers accessed from the VAERS system. Here’s a screenshot of the latest numbers:

Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 3.48.15 PM.png

Almost 12,000 deaths reported because of the shot. Over 1,200 miscarriages. 12,000+ permanently disabled. Over half a million adverse events reported just for this shot. None of this is reported on the news. Guaranteed they are not disclosing this information at CVS or Walgreens or Walmart when you pull up to get your shot. So, what do we do about it?

10 copies, 10 envelopes, 10 stamps, 10 chances to wake someone up.

In addition to publishing these easily digested reports, the team at OpenVAERS has issued a call to action. When you sign up for their newsletter (fill out the short form in the sidebar of this blog post), they will email you a link every Monday to a single page PDF copy of this summary report. Since this information is being censored on every social media platform, they suggest printing 10 hard copies of the weekly report and mailing it to 10 people. Here is their specific call to action:

So, we’ve got a new 1-pager to send to friends, family, and elected officials. You know the drill: “10 copies, 10 envelopes, 10 stamps, 10 chances to wake someone up.” This is how we get around the criminal censorship of essential vaccine information on social media. We especially need you to reach your school board, school superintendent, city councilor, mayor, county supervisor, county executive, state representative, state senator, 2 U.S. Senators, 1 House member, and the President. It'll be more impactful if you personalize each letter in some way: add a salutation at the top and sign your name on the bottom; add a Post-It Note on there saying, "Hey, this is the website I was telling you about!"; highlight something that stood out to you; or write a note in the margins. Whatever feels right to you.

I’ve printed out my ten copies and am getting them ready to mail out. Will you do the same this week?

The pen is mightier than the syringe.


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